BPIR Forms

Building Product Information Sheet / Class-1

Compliance Certification

We strive to meet national and international best practice standards because it is important to us that people have confidence and trust in our products. We are proud to have the following key certifications and appraisals:

Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) – For supporting the growth of responsible forest management worldwide. All of our Forests are FSC® certified. All of our Mills are also certified with the FSC® Chain of Custody.

ISO 14001 Environmental Management – For maintaining high standards of environmental management across our facilities and for making continuous efforts to lessen our impact on the environment. Our Mill operations have been ISO certified for a number of years – so being sensitive to the environment is strongly established in our Company.

ISO 14001 (240.58 KB)

ISO 9001 Quality Management – For maintaining excellence in our wood processing operations through our quality management system. Our Mills are ISO (Quality) certified, this means that we are focused on quality production processes and on ensuring that our products meet and satisfy customer requirements.

ISO 9001 (239.70 KB)

Engineered Wood Products Association of Australasia (EWPAA) – Our LVL and Plywood manufacturing Mill at Masterton is certified by EWPAA as having manufacturing processes that meet high standards of quality control and that ensure the highest levels of product predictability, reliability and durability. And as a JAS-ANZ accredited body, EWPAA also certifies that we produce product compliant with the relevant Australian/New Zealand Standards.

Juken New Zealand is a certified member of the Wood Processors and Manufacturers Association (WPMA). Find out more at www.wpma.org.nz.

Research and development are important to us, and we also benefit from the technology and resources of our Japan-based parent company WoodOne Ltd, a major international housing materials and componentry company, which has invested over $NZ700 million into our Company and NZ.

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